

What you need to have as part of your study:

1.Topic: I am examining and studying:I am study what type_of food people eat.

. Rationale: Why I want to do this: i chose this topic because i really want to feel what food people eat and i have never done this topic before_

3. Hypothesis (My guess before I collect the data):my guess would be that lots of people would eat Indian food and then Chinese food comes into play

4.  My study (I will collect data, ask questions, and graph the information):
I will post my graph on my blog

5. Conclusion: After doing my experiment and collecting my data, I am going to conclude that my results on_what people eat was a complete succses_because i asked a class which had an equal amount of students .

6. What I would do differently: i would ask another class and see what they think and don’t rush my graph work all the time.

One thought on “graph

  1. Hello Arnav,
    I didn’t realize that we could put a graph in a blog post. I’ll have to figure out how to do this since I’ve been trying to think of ways to have more math and science posts in my students’ blogs.
    I really like the way you set up your study. My students have also been studying the scientific method with their science teacher.
    Mrs. Theriault
    All Things Quebec

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